For anyone who has ever been pregnant, it is clearly apparent that the body changes far beyond the mere presence of the baby in the womb. Pregnancy, for the vast majority of women, will lead to wholesale changes to their bodies and this is typically caused by considerable hormonal changes which are invariably part and parcel of pregnancy. But one area that many women are often surprised is affected by pregnancy is their dental health.

But, in what ways does pregnancy have a bearing on the parent-to-be’s oral health? Well, let’s take a look at some of the more common occurrences that will happen to women’s dental health during their 9 months of pregnancy.

The most common dental problem for women during pregnancy is discomfort in the gums and this may be witnessed by the gums becoming more puffy, inflamed or more likely to bleed during brushing. These ailments are all common dental concerns for pregnant women and for most, they will only cause minor discomfort but, in some cases, pregnant women can experience more severe gum disease as a result of their pregnancy and in these cases, it is important to visit a suitable dental specialist.

As with many dental problems, it may not be immediately obvious that there is a problem and that is why it is important for pregnant women to ensure they go for regular check-ups at their dentists throughout their pregnancy because this will allow any potential issues to be caught early and resolved before they become more serious. A dental hygienist will be able to supply important information for pregnant women on how they should be looking after their dental health throughout their pregnancy and it is important not to let looking after your teeth take a backseat whilst you are waiting to give birth.

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